Wednesday, 28 August 2013

African beauty

Eva was 6 at the time when she drew this African woman for her aunt. Her aunt lived in Africa for long years and is passionate about this continent and the people of Mali, where she lived. And she was such a nice person to be in contact with... :-)

You know I sometimes buy supplies just because I think they are nice, and I hope they will be needed for some project some day. I had this softie's hair long before I got the very first email about it! The same colours, with some very soft wire inside - perfect for this hairstyle. What's more, Eva can rearrange her softie's hair a little bit, if she thinks the lady would like a new look.

Nem sokkal azelőtt, hogy megkaptam ezt a rajzot, éppen  arról ábrándoztam, milyen lehet egy fekete embert megvarrni firkababának. Kipróbálhattam. Jó volt.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Magic mouse

This German magic mouse's first action of wizardry was to duplicate herself. I couldn't believe my eyes! So there is one mouse for Anke's friend, and another one for her daughter - she is the designer of this pretty mouse lady.

There was one thing I was asked not to sew: the teeth. And I made little differences - different shades for the dresses, and different pendants for the necklaces. Ladies, would you be happy to see the very same dress and jewellery on somebody else?!

Varázsegerek - bár nem a legkedvencebb fajta rajzom, mégis élveztem varrni. Valahogy minden jól jött ki, jó lett a szabásminta, a köténynek való itt hevert az egyik polcomon, a kardigánnak való fonal pedig ott várt egy kupac seszínű gombolyag tetején a boltban, ahova legelőször betértem. És volt pont megfelelő színű csillagflitterem (bár Anke beérte volna a farokra hímzett csillagokkal - de akkor hol tartotta volna a varázserejét az egér?!), és a folpack papírhengere pont megfelelő átmérőjű volt a cilinderhez. És csak kettő volt abból a pici csiszolt gyöngyből itthon, amikből a medálok lettek. És még sorolhatnám a kis csodákat :-)
Van még valakinek kétsége, hogy ezek tényleg varázsegerek??

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Dibb

Hans-Marius is a 12-year-old boy from Norway, and he needed this softie very much. It wasn't his father or  mother, who contacted me, he did it himself. I could use my own words to tell you the story, but a short quote from his email will work better, I think:

"Here's the image :) He's a cuddly little guy and he loves to hug! He's from a colourful planet far, far away! He's the one that came to earth by his wings, which he can take out and in (I'm not good at drawing wings so they're not out right now.)
He really wanted to be my friend, but he doesn't exist yet."
Well, the Dibb exists in 3D from now on, and he was very excited to leave for Norway to meet his designer.

p.s. I asked if I had to make the wings but Hans-Marius said the softie would be okay without them.
 Alapos egyeztetést folytattunk Hans-Marius-szal az összes részletről: firkajószág formája, farok helye, szőrszín (végül a harmadik változat lett a befutó), lábak elhelyezkedése, fül és orr színének módosítása, narancssárga pöttyök sárgára cserélése. Ja, és azt is kérte, kapjon a firkababa egy kis címkét is az oldalába. Színes betűkkel. Kapott. Most mindenki elégedett:-)

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Mummy softie

This is a drawing by Jack (3), made of his mom. She fell in love with it, which is absolutely understandable. The drawing is supposed to be a very happy mummy with 2 smiles, but looks more like the crazy sleepless mummy she feels like most of the time - these are her own words...:-)

Quite frankly my first idea was that she had three mouths in the drawing. Or two circles under her eyes plus a mouth...?

Kimerült skót firkamama.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

"Only you"

Emily's little guy and girl made me laugh immediately, so it was a fun project. Slow but fun. Small and even smaller softies, because Emily wanted to have some keyring softies as well. Never ever before I was experimenting so much with materials, colours and solutions...

It was the first colour scheme, which later we decided to change. I forgot to take new photos with the recoloured softies, but I loved these ones so much...

 And the keyring softies, plus a late night photo of the whole team:

The little lady is still in her voodoo phase in this photo:

Here you can visit Emily's page to see stories of her funny people:

Ezek a mini és még minibb firkabébik Emily-nek készültek. Amilyen picik, olyan sokáig tartott kikísérletezni őket. És milyenek lennének óriásiban...?

Friday, 2 August 2013

Friendly alien

The happiest-friendliest-sweetest alien ever - drawn by Lana, 5.

You know, I sometimes make mistakes. When I made the first version of this softie, I misinterpreted the tail of the alien. Although there was one thing I couldn't explain (why does the tail start and end at the same height...?), I wasn't smart enough to find out the answer, so I made the most usual kind of tail. And then Lana's father gave me the answer and asked me to change the tail. I love Lana's imagination: her creature looks much better with the new tail!

Kacsacsőrű emlős-farkú firkababa - természetesen Ausztráliába :-)

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Big Blue Belgian Bunny with propeller ears. And it is German, for a wife and a 4-year-old little son.

Óriás királykék nyúl. Óriás = 40 cm. Az nekem az. Legalábbis firkanyúlban.