Eva was 6 at the time when she drew this African woman for her aunt. Her aunt lived in Africa for long years and is passionate about this continent and the people of Mali, where she lived. And she was such a nice person to be in contact with... :-)
You know I sometimes buy supplies just because I think they are nice, and I hope they will be needed for some project some day. I had this softie's hair long before I got the very first email about it! The same colours, with some very soft wire inside - perfect for this hairstyle. What's more, Eva can rearrange her softie's hair a little bit, if she thinks the lady would like a new look.
Nem sokkal azelőtt, hogy megkaptam ezt a rajzot, éppen arról ábrándoztam, milyen lehet egy fekete embert megvarrni firkababának. Kipróbálhattam. Jó volt.