I can't decide who was more excited about this softie: Acacia, the artist or her mom? :-)
I was in love with the drawing, but there was one single detail I couldn't figure out exactly - it was the nose. To tell you the truth, I didn't understand the triangles on the two sides of it. I had to ask for help, and this was the answer from Acacia's mom:
"So I just asked my daughter what those two spots are and she looks at me as if I'm crazy and says "It's a candy nose!"? Hahahaha. So it's like a wrapped candy nose I guess."
Fantastic!! What else could it be?!
The Princess can be undressed, because - unlike other cats - she likes having a bath (no, not shower!). Well, it seems there are quite a few things you don't know about Canadian Candy-nosed Cats........
Cicahercegnő a karácsonyfa alá. Addig Acacia mamája nézegeti titokban. Ilyen lesz a fa alatt: