Olaya is only 10 but she has precise ideas about her future wedding dress. I tried to follow the instructions in her drawing as close as possible. I found some gorgeous Japanese beads for the embroidery on the top of the dress and I hope she will be satisfied with my flowery design. And I loved the softie's hair - it almost looks real.
It is Olaya's birthday today - many happy returns of the day!
(I would be curious to see her real wedding dress when the big day comes...:-)
Olaya tízéves spanyol kislány, ismeri a blogom, és arról ábrándozott egyszer, milyen jó is lenne, ha az esküvői ruhás babáját megvarrnám neki. Ma van a szülinapja, és ezt a firkababát kapja ajándékba az unokatestvérétől.