Sunday, 24 February 2013

Bride softie

Olaya is only 10 but she has precise ideas about her future wedding dress. I tried to follow the instructions in her drawing as close as possible. I found some gorgeous Japanese beads for the embroidery on the top of the dress and I hope she will be satisfied with my flowery design. And  I loved the softie's hair - it almost looks real.
It is Olaya's birthday today - many happy returns of the day!
(I would be curious to see her real wedding dress when the big day comes...:-)

Olaya tízéves spanyol kislány, ismeri a blogom, és arról ábrándozott egyszer, milyen jó is lenne, ha az esküvői ruhás babáját megvarrnám neki. Ma van a szülinapja, és ezt a firkababát kapja ajándékba az unokatestvérétől.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Tali's dragon

Tali loves dragons and she was 8 when she drew this one. She is celebrating her 10th birthday this March and her family was hesitating a lot which dragon-drawing to choose to be turned into a birthday present softie. Finally they all agreed this would be the best choice - and I liked it :-)

Sárkányszárnyakon repülő szülinapi firkababa a tízéves Talinak - a kis pocakosnak hosszú útja lesz...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Dancing dinos

No, dinos are not extinct. Not at all. At least not here in Hungary. You just have to be very patient to be able to take photos of them. There is a secret valley where you can find them on your lucky days. Well, I am a pretty patient person, so now you have the great opportunity to see two very rare Hungarian forest dinos (Dinonicus Silvestricus Hungaricus). They are dancing - it's their favourite passtime. The black one is the male dino. It looks as if he is playing the double bass, but this is not the case. Believe me, not your eyes: they are dancing after a pleasant dinner. 
Oh yes, the sketch was made by my niece Emma, nearly 6.

Ritka dinoszauroszok lencsevégre kapva. Megint az unokahúgom keze van a dologban, ő figyelte meg először a ritka jószágokat, és készített róluk egy hevenyészett rajzot - gyorsnak kellett lennie, a dínók nem voltak hajlandók sokáig modellt állni neki.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Izabella's horse

Izabella is my old friends' daughter, and she is addicted to horses. Although she is only 9, she is a very good rider and I promised to make a horse softie for her - and the time has come!

Izabella imádja a lovakat, én meg hálás vagyok a szüleinek, így aztán elkészült ez a hála-ló. Általában Angliában tartózkodik, de járt már Tenerifén is - egy világlátott jószággal van dolgunk!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Moon monster

Lily from Colorado is 12 and it is extremely cheerful emailing with her! Lily and her friend invented the concept of  moon monsters, and this is her animal named Iro (Japanese for colour). The yellow on her moon monster is dripping paint - she asked me to show it somehow, so I used some shiny yellow fabric for these parts. And one more thing! I was asked to add a lion-like tail to the monster . I hope her Oma will love it ,too! :-)

A holdszörny ma indul Amerikába. Lily tervezte, és tegnap azt írta nekem, a nagymamája türelmetlenül várja, hogy itt a blogon láthassa. A kedvükért fölrakom ma - és tényleg teljesen véletlen, hogy szívecskéje van! :-)

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Emma's necklace

My niece felt like having a new necklace. One that nobody else can have. So my sister asked for my help, and the first softie necklace was brought to life.


Emmáról azt kell tudni, hogy a (mindjárt) hatéves unokahúgom, és ha csak az ő rajzait akarnám firkababának megvarrni, akkor is el lennék látva munkával hosszú hónapokra. Most pedig neki köszönhetem az új találmányt, a firkaékszert. Köszi, Emma! :-)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Birdy giveaway

Welcome everyone! It is so funny, isn't it? One lucky winner will get two!! packages from two different countries: one from Lucia from the Netherlands, and one from me from Hungary! Lucia makes wonderful pictures so I did not hesitate for a second when she asked me if I felt like collaborating with her in a giveaway. The only serious problem was how to choose just one from  her drawings...? It was a hard decision :-) Here you can see the result, and here you can win both the drawing and the softie: Kireei.

Összeszövetkeztünk Luciával, aki tüneményes képeket rajzol-fest-batikol papírra. Azt találta ki, varrjak meg egyet a jószágai közül, amit aztán elajándékozunk az eredeti képpel együtt. Íme, végre publikus az eredmény:-)

Monday, 4 February 2013

Stella cats

I've already told you there are drawings I fell in love with at first sight. "Stella Katze" is one of them. Stella the Siberian cat belongs to Claudia, whose godchild Greta (4) made this picture of the cat when she fell off the balcony and broke her leg - that's why Stella is wearing a red bandage. Stella is a white cat with blue eyes, but for some reason Greta painted her black, and Claudia loved it, so softie Stellas look the same. One Stella for Greta, one for Claudia. And there is a third cat... I loved the drawing so much and Claudia was so nice that I couldn't resist sewing a mini felt cat from the other cat-drawing.

And here you can see the beautiful model after the accident:

Stella cica a szívem csücske volt. Ugye, nem kell magyaráznom, miért? Még a tesóm is hűtlen lett a kedvéért az eddigi kedvencéhez... aki szintén egy macska volt, a rózsaszín varázslómacska. A két Stella firkacica két árnyalatban kapott szemeket, és egymás tükörképei, hogy amikor találkoznak, tudjanak pletyózni. A piros kötésük meg levehető és áttehető - arra az esetre, ha a kis buták másik lábával is baleset történne.