Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Keep your fingers crossed, please!

This softie was lost and found sewn again. I was so sad about it, especially that it was intended to be a Christmas present. I shipped it late November but the package never arrived. So I made it again and now it is on its way to Australia.
Cadel, 4, painted a self portrait onto a shirt and his mum thought it would be lovely keepsake for him to have it made into a softie.


version A, last November
version B, this January

Az egyetlen firkababa, ami eltűnt valahol a világban... Pedig nagyon várták karácsonyra Ausztráliában, föl is adtam még Novemberben, de se híre, se hamva azóta sem. Most van úton a remake, remélem, ezúttal minden rendben lesz, és Cadel nemsokára kézhez kapja az önarcképét!


  1. Please please please arrive safely! We can't wait to see you safe in Cadel's arms!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the second one much better than the first one! Awesome work!

    1. Thank you Leona, I hope Cadel will think the same!
