Monday, 28 April 2014


Josip's girlfriend celebrated her birthday last week, and she loves drawing this pretty and friendly dragon - now she can cuddle a 3D version as well. As far as I am informed, it makes her happy:)

author's note: no matter how cute they are, black dragons are not very photogenic... luckily enough this one let me do whatever with him, so I could try different postures

author's note No2: after my first Malaysian softies for the "other half" of the Earth, it was the first softie I sent to Croatia, a neighboring country - milestones in softie making:)

Kis kackiás sárkány ide, a szomszédba.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

3 kids = 3 softies

My very first commission from Malaysia - isn't it exciting to know that your softies will be cuddled there? Well, for me it was exciting:) (For my postman it wasn't at all! He's always shocked to see the names of such "exotic" countries on my packages...)
A lovely mom with three kids, and one softie for each of them:

A "Rainbow Fish" for Jared (he was 6, when he drew the fish):

A "Happy Girl" for Chloe (9):

And a "Hungry Frog" for Joshua (5):

Everybody ready for the long journey:

Megint egy csomag, amitől frászt kapott a postásom - mintha Malajzia nem lenne rajta a térképen...:) De szépen teleragasztgatta a csomagot bélyegekkel!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Brown dog

Albert was 12 when he drew this dog on the blackboard in the kitchen. Now he is a young man, he is studying abroad, and his little sister wanted this softie to be able to remember him every day. Maybe it helps her in the moments when she misses him too much!

Vigasz firkakutya távollevő bátyuska hiányának elviseléséhez.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Katie's family

Last spring I already made a softie of Emily and her mom. Now Emily's younger sister, 4-year-old Katie made this cute drawing (she even included their cat Alex!), and it was a picture that tugged at her mom's heart strings, so she asked me to sew a small quilt of this special drawing.

Falikép egy olyan családnak, akik már kaptak tőlem firkamamát firkalánnyal. Most itt az egész család, még a macska is meg lett örökítve!