Monday, 17 June 2013

Sparky the rabbit

I can't resist certain kinds of smiles - for example Sparky's smile.
The smiling white rabbit with lighter blue, round and slightly darker blue matt spots on the edge of its body -I loved that it was so important for my co-artist- comes from Sydney's story entitled "Sparky, the rabbit that was not fluffy". I wish I could read this story one day!
A gift from Sydney's step mother for her 8th birthday.

Igen, sokszor mondtam már, hogy egy rajzba egyből beleszerettem. Ebbe is. Sparky nyúlnak Angliában van dolga, egy történet főszereplője.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Nice monster

Alex's (7) description of the drawing: "This is a nice monster, he doesn't bite, and he loves kids. He may look scary, but he still loves kids. One arm and hand is too big and it's not supposed to be. That's all." Later I learnt from a letter of Alex's mom, that the nice monster was inspired by an old silent movie about Nosferatu. I hope Alex will make friends with his monster!

 Szelídített szörny Alexnek - remélem, a plüss szörnyet könnyedén lebirkózza.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Softie necklace

I've already made a necklace for my niece, here is one more piece of softie jewellery.

Újabb nyaklánc készült. Kedvenc részletem a színes sugarak közötti kriksz-krakszok - hogy a csudába juthatott eszébe a művésznek ilyet kitalálni? És ilyen precízen odarajzolni három színnel mindegyiket...:-)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Rabbits and caterpillars

2 x 2 softies for two 'sets' of grandparents.

 Nyulak és kukacok két pár nagyszülőnek, sürgősséggel. Remélem, időben érkeznek.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

King Moose

"I loved this project so much." This is how I wanted to start this post. But I immediately realized it wasn't very original, as I have started so many of my posts with this sentence. But this is the truth. There are so many softies I love making - no, not all of them, but luckily enough most of them. And King Moose was definitely one them! A lovely request from lovely people.

It was a request from Austria, and King Moose was drawn by Trystan (12) for someone, who collects mooses, and Trystan wanted to surprise him with a unique one. Quite obviously King Moose became the ruler of the moose collection (and I enjoyed making his crown so much - sorry, another not-very-original statement...). He has a zipper on his stomach, because he is a moose with an exciting life and lots of experience. He is not young at all, so he had to look oldish and dignified. His arms are wide open because he has a very big heart - these were the things Trystan asked me to keep in mind when making the softie.

The pocket on his tummy was so empty. I was satisfied with its checked lining, but something was missing. And all of a sudden I had the idea: I sewed a big heart for him and I put in the pocket. Trystan liked it.

Trystan was very proud to have his drawing turned into a real softie. This is what he said on getting the photos of the softie:  "there is no chance for another moose on this world to become the king moose, because our king moose is the only one, the best and the most kingly and friendly moose."

Sokat megélt, barátságos uralkodó egy osztrák szarvas-kollekció élére.