Thursday, 25 April 2013

"She and I"

Let me introduce Emily and her mum. They are holding hands in the picture, which was done by Emily, when she was four - her mum completely treasures it! (I am not surprised :-)) It's been kept on the fridge for two years, and now mum and daughter are walking off the fridge to meet Emily.

Emily mamája elküldte ezt a rajzot, aztán írt még egy e-mailt, hogy inkább átnézi még a kislánya rajzait, hátha talál olyat, amit jobban szeretne firkababaként látni. Néhány nap után újra jelentkezett, hogy mégis ez lesz az igazi. Tudjátok, az a műfaj, ami évekig fönt van a hűtő ajtaján, olyan értékes. Örültem, olyan csini a rajz :-)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Nordic giraffe

Giraffes live all over the world - this is a Finnish one, drawn by Tilda (4) for her new-born baby brother. There was a party to celebrate the baby, and Tilda's aunt wrote these words about it:

"Today was the baby's name party. Tilda was SO EXCITED about the giraffe she couldn't wait to show it to everyone. People were really amazed and the giraffe was really a big talking point in the party. It's hard to describe but there was something really touching about the whole thing.. like you could really feel all the love Tilda has for his brother. She was showing the giraffe to everyone and then taking it back to him many times."

Szerettem azt a finn zsiráfot, jó volt a foltjait hímezgetni. Amik inkább csak pöttyök, olyan pinduri lett élőben is ez a firkababa. Már, ha a 25 centi fültől patáig annak számít... De egy újszülött kezébe ez a méret passzol :-)

Monday, 15 April 2013

Guardian angel

This angel was drawn by Elena when she was 8, and she gave the drawing to her aunt as a Christmas present. When Elena's aunt saw the Swiss lion I made for her friend's niece, she decided to ask for a softie version of the drawing. A birthday guardian angel to take care of Elena. Happy birthday, Elena! :-)

p.s. Elena's aunt told me to never stop making softies - it would be great. I think I could make good use of a guardian angel, too...

Oda-vissza ajándék: a rajzot Elena adta a nagynénjének karácsonyi ajándéknak, és most megkapja firkababaként a szülinapjára.


Thursday, 11 April 2013


Grace is the smallest kid in the drawing. She drew her family when she went to preschool, and she is the one who asked me to turn the drawing into a quilt. I thought she was an adult, but yesterday I got a photo of her and her mum together with the original work of art and the quilt - Grace is still a kid!!! She's only 14 and she arranged everything to get this birthday gift for her mum! The quilt brought tears to her mum's eyes... :-)

This is what Grace wrote to me when she first saw the finished softie - it made me feel good...

"That looks WONDERFUL!!!! I especially like the hair and the tummies :) The hair was one of the things I was really looking forward to seeing, because it's actually, in my opinion, one of the things that made the drawing so cool because in reality we all have dark hair! I have absolutely no idea why I gave us blonde hair when I was in preschool haha. I'm so excited now :) It looks SPLENDID!!!"


Egy jókedvű amerikai család.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

"This is my mum"

Karen's mum from a very old drawing - can you see the beautifully aged paper? It must mean a lot to both Karen and her mum, I think.
