Sunday, 31 March 2013

Birthday rocket

This was a last minute softie. I had one single night to sew it. And of course I did sew it, the rocket was my younger nephew's present for his 6th birthday :-)

(the blue rocket in the upper middle part of the photo is Menyus's favourite one, so I had to turn that one into a softie)

Az utolsó pillanatban derült ki, hogy Menyus, a kisebbik unokaöcsém egy kék rakétának örülne a legjobban szülinapjára. Szerencsére ezt már este 8 körül megtudtam, és a sógorom csak másnap délelőtt indult vissza Stockholmba, tehát rengeteg időm volt :-). Hajnali ötre el is készültem az utolsó lángcsóvával is!
Idézet a tesóm leveléből, amiben leírta, mit szólt Menyus, mikor a szülinapja reggelén kijött a szobájából, és meglátta a firkarakétát:
"Ó, drága Eme, megvarrtad nekem, amit annyira szerettem volna? Látjátok, megvarrta! Látjátok, megvarrta! - és futkosott, és ölelte, és futkosott, és ölelte." :-)

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Moo Cow

A taciturn and pretty cow to Liverpool - unknown co-artist...

Hallgatag angol szarvasmarha.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

One big, one small

Or even smaller... Before I started to sew the keyring softie for Kym, I had thought it just would be another softie, yes, a bit smaller, but nothing special. I was wrong... Have you ever tried to sew a 5 centimeter tall softie...? If you ever feel like trying, you'll need three things to do that: patience, patience and some more patience. And a little bit of persistance :-)

Egy kicsi és egy még kisebb softie. Összesen 25 cm. Mármint a kettő együtt, ha a kis kulcstartót a nagytesó nyakába ültetném...

Monday, 25 March 2013

Tyler's owl

This beautiful bird was drawn by Tyler, who is only five! His father loves it so much that this softie owl was his birthday present last week.

Gyönyörűséges bagoly Tyler apukájának, mert annyira szereti a fia festményét.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

X the Owl

The remake of a puppet from the Mr Roger's program.

Bagolybáb újravarrva - se égen, se földön nem találtak a régiek közül egyet sem.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Birds, love, romance...

... and French guys. I don't  know what was in the air in France in January, but I got two emails from two men just a few days apart. With two birds. Both in green. A miracle, isn't it? :-)
Well, the birds are for the boys' sweethearts.

Guillaume's auk:

And Fred's Choupinou - in French 'choupi' means 'cute', and 'choupinou' stands for 'cutie' more or less. The giant feathers on top of his head only stand like this when Choupinou is happy. Fred told me in their home the bird would always be happy!

p.s. 3D Choupinou and me celebrate our birthday on the same day.........:-)

Két jómadár - két szerelmes francia ajándéka egy feleségnek, egy barátnőnek.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Bird and monster

I love the drawings Kate sends. After these two now I got these ones. The bird by Oscar (6) and the monster by Max (4). I was asked to use mostly cotton again - and I enjoyed it again.

It is sometimes not easy to part with the softies. I confess I loved cuddling the bird. Sorry monster, your design is beautiful, but the bird fits perfectly into anybody's arms - I hope Oscar shares my opinion.

Firkamadár, firkaszörny. Nem volt szörnyű őket varrni. Sőt.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Flower the chicken

Angus (3) has a chicken called Flower - I love the idea of having a chicken... I was brought up in a village and I loved spending my time with the chickens in the backyard. As far as I remember, I didn't draw any of them, but luckily enough Angus made this drawing of his chicken: three hairs, one beak, one smile (his mum says he doesn't realize the beak IS the mouth - and he is right, isn't he?), and claws at the end of the toes - Angus was very definite about this detail so I was extremely happy to find the shiny, skin like, bright orange fabric for them.
Softie Flower has one more smile: one on each side of its head - Angus's mum asked me to sew two smiles and she was right, too, wasn't she?:-)

Csini csirke Angusnek Ausztráliába - dróttal a lábában, hogy formálható legyen, kék helyett narancs szemekkel, és két mosollyal. A másik ott van a túloldalon!