Thursday, 30 August 2012

Grandma softie

The first softie I made based on a photo. Christa was very happy to become a grandmother and she wanted to give the newborn baby a softie of herself. So it is a baby-proof softie, and as autumn is coming, I felt like knitting: I knitted a pretty sleeveless cardigan and a big scarf for softie-Christa.

Nagyi-softie egy lelkes nagymamáról-nagymamától a nemrég született unokájának.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The Blue Man

Joost asked me to choose one of the figures from the drawing and turn it into a piece of interior decor. And yes, that little something between his legs is not a mistake of printing but  part of the figure. As Joost put it very nicely: the artist tried to make clear he drew a Blue Man not a Blue Woman.

p.s. Joost wasn't very long-winded in his emails, so this sentence of his - which he sent after their first night spent together - made me extremely happy: "the softie slept well in its new home". Many thanx for it!

A kék lény Belgiumban fog egy otthont díszíteni. Bizonytalan voltam, hogy a lába között az a valami tényleg az-e, amire gondolok vagy csak festékhiba, de Joost megnyugtatott, hogy az ott a férfiasságának bizonyítéka.

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Ugly Queen

Her Royal Highness's full name is Queen Ugly-Mug I of Uglyland and she was drawn by Michelle, who is writing the story of her. When I saw the drawing, my first reaction was no. And the second one was also no. So I told Michelle that I was afraid this softie was beyond my ken. But she didn't give up :-) She gave me time to think it over and all of a sudden I started to feel like trying. Then a series of miracles started to happen: I could find a special way to form her body, I found the perfect orangey-pinky AND shiny fabric for her dress (pure silk of course!), all by accident I found some nice light blue pearls for her necklace, and I could make her wire-like hair - well, it is not only wire-like, it is actually soft wire.
She spent a lot of time sitting on my sofa - I miss her...

A csúnya királynőt először el sem akartam vállalni, aztán nagyon megszerettem. Amilyen nehéznek látszott eleinte, olyan szerencsém volt mindennel, ami kellett hozzá. Csak a dróthajával küzdöttem, de végül a hajbeültetés lett a megoldás. Itt ücsörgött nálam sokat, és mikor az egyik barátnőm meglátta, önkéntelenül fölkiáltott: "Úristen, de csúnya!" Soha nagyobb bókot :-)

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Mrs Rabbit

Mrs Rabbit is a VIT (Very Important Toy). She belonged to Mary when she was a little girl, and now she belongs to her two-year-old little daughter, who can't sleep without her bunny. But Mrs Rabbit is very old, and although she has been renewed a few times, she is beginning to fall apart - the time has come to replace her with a much younger 'cousin'.

Mrs Rabbit egy veterán nyuszi. Kiszolgálta Mary-t, most pedig a kislányáé. Megviselték a hosszú évek, semmiféle toldozás-foldozás nem javít már az állapotán, így Mary megkért, varrjak egy hasonmást, egy "unokatesó" Mrs Rabbitet.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Space creatures on Earth

What a surprise! Faiz, who asked me to sew these two space creatures, sent me photos of his family together with the softies. I chose one pic for you:
And I already have my copy of  his book, too! :-))  And you?
From the book I learnt that these two are particularly fond of the berries that are found under ticknee trees!
Faiztól, akinek ezt a két lényt varrtam, két meglepetést is kaptam! Egy fotóalbumot a családjáról a softiek társaságában - ebből választottam a floobot kóstolgató kisfiát -, és egy példányt a könyvéből :-)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Owl

Or I could say: the ultimate owl. It was love at first sight. So I am extremely grateful to Lilly for the drawing and to her mom for ... well, for everything. She knows what I mean :-)

Gyönyörű bagly - így hívtam őt, mert az egyik barátnőm kisfia szerint a baglyok egyes számban bagly. Miért ne? Lilly megrajzolta, anyukája megkért, hogy varrjam meg, én pedig meghímeztem.

Monday, 20 August 2012


Olly, the friendly cyclops was designed by Katie, who is 6 and 3/4 years old.

Moments from a softie's life:

Olly counting in hide-and-seek...

...still counting...

...standing on his hands...

...trying to sleep while my neighbours are having a party...

...waiting for getting some of my chocolate cookies...


...and doing a very complicated yoga exercise...
...watching wild horses in the distance...

...and this is Olly quarelling with me because I want to have my coffee instead of shooting a hundred more pics of him........


I don't know much about Éléonore, but one thing is for sure: she is a fan of reindeers. And another thing: she was very happy to get her softies, she couldn't believe her eyes first (it was a surprise from her cousin), and her cousin thinks these softies may have been the best gifts she ever had :-)

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Mr Hooter

Mr Hooter the owl was an order I wanted to get badly... He looked so cute and innocent, and I had very good feelings about him at the very first moment I saw the drawing.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


This special ladybug was drawn by William's 4 year old nephew. To tell you the truth I had no idea how to give back the beauty of this bug when I said yes to this order. But I loved its grace so much that I had to give it a try. A friend of mine said it looked like a piece of delicate jewellery - I hope William thinks the same.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Lena's butterfly

This cheerful butterfly is now flying to Belgium to meet Lena!