Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Sergio wanted to give some very special birthday gift to his friend Miky. Miky's mom collected her son's drawings into albums and they love looking at the pictures when they visit her. This picture was drawn by Miky when he was about 5 years old, and a teacher of his put down what he was saying - the text makes them laugh every time they read it, that's why Sergio chose this one to be turned into a softie.

Although the original drawing is in black and white, Sergio wanted something colourful, the shoes for example had to be red, there was no debate about it! Another request was to use 'Hermes orange' for at least one piece of clothing, as this is one of Miky's favourite colours. Dark green eyes and light brown hair, just like real Miky. And one more thing: Sergio asked me to add some details to remind them of nice times spent together - an African necklace and a silver bracelet.
Miky is celebrating his birthday this Thursday so I was asked to keep the secret until then. But I received an email from Sergio about two weeks ago saying that 'for technical reason' (euphemistic name for 'being impatient'...? :-) ) Miky had already got his present, so the secret is not a secret any more! Many happy returns of the day, Miky!

Miky ötéves lehetett, mikor lerajzolta magát, és most, 34 évesen a rajzból készült firkababát kapja a születésnapjára. Az volt a kérés, hogy a firkababa tudjon ülni, lehessen a karját mozgatni, legyen rajta valami Hermes narancssárga (külön köszönet a konzulenseknek!:-) ), legyen piros a cipője, lehetőleg kapjon egy afrikai ihletésű nyakláncot és egy ezüst karkötőt. És legyen nagyon-nagyon csini, mert a megajándékozottnak fontos a szép, divatos megjelenés. Akkor is, ha csak a firkababájáról van szó :-) Boldog szülinapot, Miky!

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